As a small business owner, you may have to wear a variety of hats. You’re the head of the company, which may mean that you’re in charge of things like bookkeeping and marketing. Regardless of the type of business you own, from an auto repair shop to a bakery, the following are a few cost-effective strategies for marketing your company.
Establish Your Objectives
Determine what you intend to gain from marketing, whether it’s a 20% increase in sales or increasing local visibility. Make a list of your ultimate goals so you can stick to your budget. Consider what needs immediate attention, as well as your most critical long-term objectives.
Concentrate on Fewer Social Media Channels
Some trends may lead you to believe that you need to be active on dozens of social media platforms, but remaining active on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, and other platforms may be stressful, not to mention difficult to measure efficacy. Instead, concentrate on the services that your clients are most likely to utilize.
Marketing via Email
If you own a small business, email marketing is almost certainly an element of your entire marketing strategy. Emails are a terrific way to stay in touch with your customers and send out information about sales and events, as well as a weekly newsletter. Experiment with sending emails at different times and with varied subject lines to observe which ones generate the most responses or click-throughs.
Begin Blogging
Blogging is an excellent way to gain awareness. It provides you with a platform to share your knowledge, be creative, and keep up to date. There are essentially no restrictions on what you can talk about, including significant company achievements and honors. This is also a good opportunity to try to establish a more personal connection with your customers.
Need help marketing your business? Corey Consulting is an innovative small business Miami internet marketing company that focuses on creating solutions for business owners in the vast and complicated world of internet marketing.