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Video remains incredibly popular and few would disagree that YouTube remains at the top of video content, with millions of videos on numerous topics. With that in mind, the odds are strong that your existing and prospective customers are likely using YouTube to research products that may be related to your business or your competitors. Why not consider a bumper ad to reach them?

Unless you pay for services like YouTube Premium that is ad-free, you’ve likely seen a bumper pad. These are the videos that last around six seconds or so and typically play before the main video you’re about to watch. They’re effective in broadening your reach and may effectively complement your message.

Bumper ads aren’t used as much for debuting a new product as they are to widen the reach of a campaign you’re currently running. Because they’re so short and are designed primarily for use on mobile devices, there are greater odds that the person viewing the video will pay attention to the ad, improving the response. Furthermore, because of the length, they don’t require a tremendous amount of work to prepare.

Do you need some help with your ad strategy? Contact us today to discuss your Miami Internet marketing.