As they age, preserving freedom is a vital thing for individuals. One of the greatest worries seniors have is losing this sense of freedom. Is there a way to receive some kind of support and yet remain as autonomous as possible? It is here where assisted living can shine.
To put it simply, in a residential setting, assisted living communities provide tailored care to older people. They are for seniors whose welfare or well-being needs a higher degree of care, which is decided by the group according to state requirements by a health evaluation. A safe lifestyle and social participation are both supported and typically encouraged by assisted living.
Mountain Plaza Assisted Living brings assisted living to another level by highlighting an environment that is designed to reinforce the experience of being at home, but with the support required when needed. Living at Mountain Plaza is a life celebration, sharing time with friends, meeting new people, and creating cherished memories with relatives. Residents can shop and dine close to the community, get together with friends at a concert or the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra from the local community, all while having endless fun.
For any questions about Mountain Plaza Assisted Living & Memory Care, visit the website or call 307-232-0100.