Nearly every home or office you visit has window coverings of some kind. Whether it’s blinds, shades, drapery, or something else, window coverings are incredibly useful and versatile. They assist with blocking the sometimes harsh light of day, they provide privacy, and they can add a certain mood or ambiance to a room’s décor.
For years, businesses working with window coverings have had to go about managing their business in old-fashioned ways. Perhaps the most cumbersome aspect of running the business is when it comes to calculating the measurements and the number crunching involved to ensure that the product correctly fits the window it will be covering. While it may be simple, it does not allow a business to make the best use of its time.
With the window covering software BlindsBook, businesses finally have a robust solution to streamline their day to day operations and concentrate on serving their customers. The integrated management cloud system saves time and money by taking care of storing and managing customer data, creating comprehensive reports and purchase orders, producing work orders, and even calculating accurate quotes simply by plugging in the measurement of the product. Furthermore, the software integrates perfectly with the QuickBooks accounting software.
BlindsBook is available on a subscription basis or for a one-time fee.